Artifact #VII by Ini Archibong, 2024

Featured Designers

Hideki Yoshimoto

Ini Archibong

Michael Young

Sabine Marcelis

Studio SWINE

Yoichi Ochiai

For Craft x Tech debut at DESIGN MIAMI.BASEL designers including Sabine Marcelis, Azusa Murakami and Alexander Groves (Studio SWINE), Ini Archibong, Yoichi Ochiai, Hideki Yoshimoto, and Michael Young participate in collaborations with 6 different regions from “Tohoku”, the northeastern part of Japan. The initiative welcomes Maria Cristina Didero as its curational director and continues expanding to involve other Japanese districts and creatives from around the world.

About Craft x Tech

Expertise/ Traditional Japanese craft and contemporary technology

Craft x Tech is an initiative to bridge the gap between traditional Japanese craft and contemporary technology. Our goal is to create a novel and unique body of artworks that express both the history and future potential of these beautiful materials and techniques. The initiative focuses on six prefectures of the Tohoku (north-east) region of Japan for its inaugural edition and continues expanding to involve other Japanese districts and creatives from around the world. The programme welcomes Maria Cristina Didero as its curational director and is led by a design studio Tangent and the Craft x Tech Tohoku Association.


Sabine Marcelis

Studio SWINE

Ini Archibong

Yoichi Ochiai

Michael Young

Hideki Yoshimoto


23rd Floor, Ark Mori Building, 1-12-32 Akasaka, Minato-ku Tokyo, 107-6023, Japan