Format Oslo

About Format Oslo
Expertise/ Nordic contemporary crafts and design
Format Oslo was founded in 1991 and is a leading gallery for contemporary crafts and design in Norway. The gallery is an exhibition and sales venue of the finest artistic quality within the material-based arts. The gallery aims to strengthen the position of Norwegian contemporary crafts and design internationally and through working with both established and emerging artists the gallery reflects the various tendencies in contemporary crafts and design today. The gallery’s goal is to challenge established norms while highlighting key values in the field by actively bringing a wider spectrum of artistic practices in material-based art to the fore.
Karen Klim
Lene Tangen
Irene Nordli
Edith Lundebrekke
Elisabeth von Krogh
Heidi Bjørgan
Nils Martin
Liv Blåvarp
Torbjørn Kvasbø
Kari Mølstad
Christina Peel
Leif Stangebye-Nielsen