Salon 94 Design

Design Miami.Paris 2024

A showcase of contemporary and historical works by Gaetano Pesce and David Wiseman. Plus, a Design at Large presentation of two 'Tomb Chairs' by Rick Owens.
About Salon 94 Design
Expertise/ Contemporary Design
Salon 94 Design debuted in 2017 as an extension of Salon 94, devoted to furniture, design, and objects. The venture was a natural outgrowth of founder Jeanne Greenberg Rohatyn’s attitude that objects, beyond their functionality, express our values, ideas, philosophy, and history. Greenberg Rohatyn has been a radical thinker breaking hierarchies between design and art. For the past decade the gallery has offered a testing ground to seamlessly exhibit furniture and objects alongside contemporary art. The gallery began Greenberg Rohatyn’s home on East 94th Street and since 2020 has called the Beaux-Arts mansion at 3 East 89th Street its flagship. S94D represents an international roster of contemporary design and artist estates including Donald Judd Furniture, Max Lamb, Kwangho Lee, Philippe Malouin, Jay Sae Jung Oh, Rick Owens Furniture, Gaetano Pesce, Thomas Barger, Tom Sachs Furniture, Karl Fritsch, Kate Millett, Gloria Kisch, and more. S94D represents an international roster of contemporary design and artist estates including Donald Judd Furniture, Max Lamb, Kwangho Lee, Philippe Malouin, Jay Sae Jung Oh, Rick Owens Furniture, Gaetano Pesce, Thomas Barger, Tom Sachs Furniture, Karl Fritsch, Kate Millett, Gloria Kisch, and more.
Max Lamb
Alberto Giacometti
Diego Giacometti

Jeanne Greenberg Rohatyn
FounderNew York
3 East 89th Street 10128, New York, USA