The Book of Love/ A Fundraiser Supporting the Right to Read

DESIGN MIAMI. 23 Special Projects

Featured Designers
Rudy Weissenberg
Faye Toogood
John Maeda
Michele Oka Doner
Rafael Prieto
Rive Roshan
Ronald Rael
Studio K.O.S.
Victoria Yakusha
The Book of Love: A fundraiser supporting the right to read. In response to reactionary book bans across the US and beyond, The Book of Love invites creatives from around the globe to design limited-edition prints inspired by some of the most besieged titles. All proceeds from print sales benefit the Books & Books Literary Foundation’s efforts to fight censorship. On sale from Dec. 5, 2023 to Spring 2024.
Support the cause! Shop limited-edition prints on booksandbooks.comAbout The Books & Books Literary Foundation
Expertise/ Defending the right to read
The Book of Love has been organized by Design MIami/, Anava Projects, and Books & Books to raise funds for the Books & Books Literary Foundation. Between December 2023 and Spring 2023, The Book of Love is offering original, limited-edition prints designed by international creatives inspired by beloved books that have been recently challenged, banned, or removed from public bookshelves. New prints will be added to the collection throughout the life of the sale. The Books & Books Literary Foundation is a nonprofit organization that advocates for the freedom to read. The Miami-based foundation builds on beloved local bookseller Books & Books’ decades of experience in community outreach supporting literacy and the right to read. This work is needed now more than ever to combat increasing book challenges, bans, and censorship laws that obstruct access to information and, in turn, damage our democracy. The Foundation was the catalyst for the launch of The FREADOM Coalition, a consortium of organizations—including PEN America, Florida Freedom to Read Project, Southern Poverty Law Center, Miami Freedom Project, United Teachers of Dade, Florida PTA, and more—that executes a variety of civic actions and campaigns to resist censorship. They do so hand-in-hand with esteemed international and local authors, educators, parents, librarians, and civil rights groups. Recent activations include banned book giveaways, a FREADOM walk, and a series of installations, panels and more aimed at educating and empowering. The Books & Books Literary Foundation brings books and writers to communities across the state, placing books directly in the hands of individuals—including students and incarcerated persons—who might otherwise not have access. The Book of Love is a collaboration among Design Miami/, Anava Projects, and the Books & Books Literary Foundation. Printing and installation generously supported by Wet Heat Project.
Faye Toogood
Rudy Weissenberg
Studio K.O.S.
John Maeda
Michele Oka Doner
Rafael Prieto
Rive Roshan
Ronald Rael
Victoria Yakusha

The Books & Books Literary Foundation
Nonprofit organization that advocates for the freedom to readMiami