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William Coggin

Side table, 2023

Price Upon Request

William Coggin


"After years of working with wheel thrown functional vessels, William has pushed into large scale contemporary design projects. Functionality has always been a considered element to his practice, even though some of his work is strictly sculptural in nature. The textured surfaces of his current series, Pseudopodia, is inspired by imaginative microorganisms. These organic shapes take many forms including objects like tables, lamps, bookshelves, as well as large bas reliefs. Since 2017, William is represented by Galerie Scene-Ouverte. In 2018, he was commissioned to produce a large scale wall piece of 17th meters long for the restaurant L’Abysse, located at the Pavilion Ledoyen near the Champs Elysées in Paris."

Exhibited at DESIGN MIAMI.PARIS 2023 William Coggin's work in functional sculpture in ceramics is a captivating exploration of the beauty and potential of this medium. He finds immense wonder in working with ceramics, appreciating its raw and natural essence, which allows him to create art that connects with the inherent beauty of the world around him. Drawing inspiration from nature, Coggin's art often reflects the mesmerizing intricacies of a coral reef or the delicate patterns of moss found on a forest floor. The realization that his creations begin as silt from a river bank instills a sense of humility and satisfaction, knowing that his art emerges from the very fabric of the Earth. In his artistic journey with ceramics, Coggin faces the challenge of pushing the physical boundaries of the material. He grapples with the question of whether certain ideas can be transformed into functional objects or if they should remain as abstract forms, cherished for their pure aesthetics. W.Coggin conveys a profound appreciation for the beauty of the natural world and the limitless possibilities inherent in this ancient medium, elevating ceramics to a realm of artistic expression that is both magical and deeply grounded in the essence of life itself.

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